

Contact Us

If you would like to contact AVARC for additional information, feel free to give us a line.

Voice mail: (661) 257-3934 as of 10/19/2017

"Snail mail": AVARC; P.O. Box 1011; Lancaster, CA 93584-1011
(make sure to include the -1011 in the ZIP code)

For addresses below: [⇧2] means @ and [period] means .

General Q&A: officers[⇧2]k6ox[period]club

*NEW* Are you a new or prospective amateur radio operator with a question? You can contact our "Elmering" team at the address listed below. We can help with questions about equipment selection, antennas, station configurations, accessories, capabilities, etc.

Info for new or prospective HAMS: elmer⇧2]k6ox[period]club

Newsletter submissions: shortcircuit[⇧2]k6ox[period]club

All questions and submissions will be processed as they are received.

Note: We receive frequent calls from heirs of amateurs who have passed away. Although AVARC does not provide an estate brokerage service, we may be able to assist people in the immediate Antelope Valley area in determining what they have. In this case, please send descriptions, e.g. Make and model numbers, or photographs of equipment in question to: General Q&A: officers[⇧2]k6ox[period]club

In addition, go to our Links page for further help with estate sales.

Original contents © 2016 - 2019 Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club.
AVARC is a nonprofit educational organization under IRS Part 501(c)(3).